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Profile Screen

This article will guide you through the various elements and features available on this screen.

Peter Court avatar
Written by Peter Court
Updated over a week ago

Profile Overview

At the top of your profile screen, you will see:

  1. Profile Picture and Name:

    • Your profile picture is displayed prominently.

    • Your name, in this case is shown just below your profile picture.

Main Functions

Directly below your profile picture and name, you will find three main functional buttons:

  1. Stats:

    • Tap on the "Stats" button to view your activity statistics and other relevant data.

  2. History:

    • Tap on the "History" button to access a log of your past activities within the app.

  3. Settings:

    • Tap on the "Settings" button to customize your app experience, manage notifications, and adjust other preferences.

My Groups

Under the main functional buttons, you will find the "My Groups" section. This section lists all the groups you are part of:

Adding New Groups

To create or join a new group, tap on the "Add New" button located to the right of the "My Groups" heading.

Bottom Navigation

At the bottom of your profile screen, you will find a navigation bar with the following options:

  1. Home:

    • Tap on this icon to return to the home screen.

  2. Explore:

    • Tap on this icon to explore new content

  3. Profile:

    • You are currently on the profile screen, which is indicated by the highlighted profile icon.

Notifications and Information

At the top right corner of the screen, you will see two icons:

  1. Information (i):

    • Tap on this icon to access help and support information.

  2. Notifications (bell):

    • Tap on the bell icon to view your notifications.

Your profile screen is designed to provide a comprehensive view of your account and easy access to important features and groups. Explore each section to make the most out of your app experience!

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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